For a second year in a row, as part of the 44th edition of the prestigious Mercuriades competition, Direct Impact Solutions finds itself among the finalists in the International Market Development EDC category. Every year, through the Mercuriades, the Fédération des chambres du commerce du Québec (FCCQ) celebrates the success of Quebec’s SMEs and large businesses by highlighting their contribution to the economy.

To our delight, La Presse, Quebec’s most notable French daily newspaper, saw fit to write an article about our nomination in the business section of their website, entitled “Notre savoir-faire au delà des frontières”, which translates to “Our Know-How Beyond Borders”.
In this article, learn a little more about Direct Impact Solutions, what it does, and the vision its three partners have when it comes to the future of the company globally. Founded in Laval in 1996, the company now has 7 offices in 4 different countries. The three partners, Philippe, Patrick, and Mathieu, have always had big plans for DIS and that is an understatement to say the least. In fact, with a 106% increase in revenue, an addition of 33% in employees, and an increase in the weight of external sales of 53%, over the last year alone, it’s clear that a lot of effort is invested into the vision of exporting the company’s know-how globally.
Thank you to William Thériault, journalist at La Presse, to have so beautifully captured the reality of our company. To read the article, click here.