Direct Impact Team
Take a look behind the scenes and meet the people that make the magic happen.
Since 1996, we’ve understood that each company is unique. This is why we pay particular attention to each digital solution we develop for our customers in order to meet their specific needs. Our team is devoted to our clients and have their success at heart. We value transparency and collaboration, making our team members the ideal partners to make your digital transformation happen.
Meet Our Associates

Meet Our Leadership Board

Why come work with us? It’s simple, at Direct Impact Solutions, we believe in work-life balance. That is why we offer flexible, hybrid or fully-remote work. Our offices are open for those who wish to come in for work. You’d rather work from home full-time, but would still like to get out of the house on occasion? Not a problem! We frequently host get togethers at our Laval office to preserve the connectiveness we share as a team. And, we occasionally organize gatherings where our employees from outside of Quebec fly in to spend time at our head office, enabling the whole company to enjoy in-person quality time together.
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Why Choose Direct Impact for your App?
Go Digital: Transform Your Organization

Web Application Developers
When it comes time to share information with customers, members or suppliers, Direct Impact can design the custom web applications needed, whether as an intranet, extranet or transactional site. We’re experienced in creating customer portals, satellite applications and progressive web applications.

Certified Developers
Our team is composed of certified Claris FileMaker® and OutSystems® developers, as well as certified licensing and sales professionals in order to make your project a reality. Our expert team can help you achieve efficiency gains and configure integrations to link your current software systems to your new application.